Perhaps because I am hyperverbal – in person, in my writing, in my consumption of information, in my choice of entertainment – it perhaps should not be surprising that I take great pleasure in the visual and silent pursuit of photography. I do not have, I have long known, a visual imagination, but my purchase of a camera in 2013 has enabled me to capture some of what I see in the world and the way in which I see it. So I when I leave my apartment, I am most often accompanied by a bulky DSLR, the better to see you with, although I do snag the occasional great image with nothing but my phone.
In this second pandemic restricted year, I haven’t traveled far beyond Manhattan – and I’ve not been out of New York more than a half-dozen times since March of last year. But even when my more expected pleasures, namely movies and theatre, aren’t available, I hope these images give a sense of how much there still is to see in just a few miles radius, and all for free. Beyond that, I’ll let these speak for themselves.
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Howard Sherman.